A little thing inspired by and in remembrance of GROW Island by On of EYEZMAZE, the artist behind the world of GROW.

When I played this game as a child I only knew it under the name of "Komische Insel" (weird/funny island in German). That's why I named this "Komisches Projekt" (weird/funny project).

It's only a very tiny thing, more a plaything than a game. But if I managed to kindle only the tiniest amount of nostalgia for GROW in you, then consider me happy.

Built in Rust using the macroquad engine.
Using the wonderful egg-shell sounds of Jarred Gibb: https://freesound.org/people/JarredGibb/sounds/244877/ and some sounds from pixabay: https://pixabay.com/de/sound-effects/scale-d6-106129/ , https://pixabay.com/de/sound-effects/scale-e6-14577/

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